The Construction Accounting & Management Program (CAMP) is a training guide designed to foster your independence. It has been created and is sponsored by Info Plus(+) Consulting.
About the Info Plus(+) Consulting Construction Accounting & Management Program
The story behind CAMP…
What inspired this “roll up your sleeves and help-yourself” creation that’s so different from the traditional accountants’ approach of “just give us your stuff and we’ll fix it…”?
Based on experience, at Info Plus Consulting we KNOW that, with the right training and/or coaching, you can learn how to shape your own financial future by understanding and “building your own numbers.”
How do we know that YOU can do it?
Because so many others have done it!
Diane Gilson’s successful, hands-on, down-in-the-trenches experience has proven time and time again that nearly anyone who wants to learn (and is willing to invest some time and energy into building their expertise) can be trained to master the accounting and financial skills needed to run their company more effectively.
Here’s a bit of the history that’s helped to turn Diane’s “I know they can do it!” conviction into reality…
Since 1994, President and Founder of Info Plus Consulting, Diane Gilson, has:
- Worked many thousands of hours with individual clients – hand-in-hand accounting & coaching – either at their office or via Internet-based business advisory service appointments.
- Certified for, and taught, sessions on financial construction accounting as a National Association of Home Builders (NAHB) University of Housing Instructor.
- Created and presented numerous in-person group seminars to members of various construction trade organizations. (As just one example, she’s been a featured speaker on accounting, financial, and QuickBooks topics at the annual International Builders Show on at least 12 different occasions).
Can you achieve similar results for more people – but at a lower cost per end-user?
We saw that when people-in-the-trenches were struggling with QuickBooks, job-cost, or construction accounting, what was missing was the right type of coaching and training.
Consistent, successful experiences with hundreds of clients – and thousands of seminar participants – confirmed that individuals in small-to-mid-sized companies (created and built by people like YOU!) want to learn how to control, handle, and understand their own financial transactions and data.
But one-to-one training, coaching, and business advisory services can also be expensive.
So, over the last several years, Diane started to do more work via the Internet. In preparation for this series, she:
- Delivered a variety of web-based construction accounting training sessions (webinars) for other trade and professional organizations, and
- Sponsored, coordinated, and helped to present a series of twelve 90-minute, online, members-only, construction accounting, and financial management sessions (the “Sharper Pencil” series).

These live, web-training events, combined with steady advances in technology and increased Internet connection speed, helped her to realize that she (and other carefully selected instructors) could use the Internet to share accounting and financial expertise, industry knowledge, training, and mentoring experience to help even more people… And at a far lower cost to participants than the more traditional one-to-one methods that she’s used successfully for so many years.
And that’s how the CAMP program was created (with many thanks for the encouragement from clients, industry organizations, and other business advisors).
And “The Rest of the Story?”
…will continue to be built as we move forward. Don’t miss your chance to become a part of this innovative learning and business enhancement opportunity. Remember the following quotes as you think about the state of your current financial decision-making information. If it’s not what you know it should be, remember:
“The most important leg of a 3-legged stool is the one that is missing…”
“If you do nothing, nothing will happen.”
“If it is to be, it is up to me.”
We’ll provide a productive and stimulating learning environment, the tools, and the training…
You’ll provide your commitment, your intelligence, and positive action!
Click Here to learn more about our Construction Accounting & Management Program (CAMP) online Job-Cost Training Program.
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