provides free training for QuickBooks & tutorials online. Learn tips & tricks to avoid common mistakes from expert articles & videos.
Free Training for QuickBooks (Construction Accounting & Job-Cost Workshops)
Who Done It? And When?
Mysteries can be kind of fun to resolve – but they’re usually a lot more enjoyable in a book, or on TV, than when you’re working in your financial records. This 6-minute QuickBooks & Enterprise Video In-Sight illustrates how you can quickly track down and solve 2 common “whodunnit-style” accounting questions…

Idea! Subscribe to CAMP to obtain instant access to ALL workshops…
13 Common QuickBooks Mistakes: Are they costing you money?
3 mini-workshops: 1 session provided each week
Are you making any of the errors commonly made by construction companies using QuickBooks or Enterprise? If you are, they could be costing you more than you realize… When we begin work with new QuickBooks clients, we consistently see these 13 common mistakes. This series of three complimentary mini-webinars (1/2 hour each) will identify, illustrate, and discuss these costly problems… and explore what you can do to avoid or correct similar issues in your own accounting and reporting system.
To immediately gain access to the first workshop (Part I), simply provide the info requested below. Watch for a confirmation email. As soon as you confirm that you’d like to receive information from us, you’ll receive a second email with a link to the class. You will then receive emails with links to the next 2 workshops (Parts II and III) over the next two weeks.