This workshop has been thoughtfully prepared and recorded – and you can access it immediately. Upon purchase, you’ll receive immediate access to both the online recording and handouts.
“Cookie Jar Accounting”: Understanding & Accounting for
the Owner’s Personal Expenditures, Contributions, or Loan Activity
Approximately 43 minutes:
- The owner is an “honored guest”
- How the owner is separate from the business
- Segregating the owner’s income and cost from the business
- The primary challenge when viewing the owner’s transactions
- You do have some choices…
- Various tax implications when it comes to owner’s transactions
- Contributions from the owner may come from:
- 8 examples and how to enter each
- Outgoing expenditures to (or for) the owner may show up as:
- 10 examples and how to enter each
- Cautionary notes – don’t forget these extra insights!
… OR …
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