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Year-End Closing: Finalizing the Year,
What Your Tax Preparer Needs & Coordinating Results
Approximately 86 minutes:
- Before the end of the year:
- Preparing for the crunch
- What you can do in months 10 and 11 (typically October and November)
- Steps to help you get ready for 1099’s and W2’s
- Setting up a plan for inventory counts
- Month-end procedures in prep for year-end processes
….. - Accrued expenses:
- Exactly when and why are accrued expenses used?
- Examples of accrued expenses and entries
- Why accrued expenses are typically reversed
- Insights and cautionary notes
√ If accrued expenses relate to job costs
√ Accrued expenses and Items
√ Should accrued expenses be posted and reversed only at year end?
- Do you need to make annual labor burden adjustments?
- How to check the accuracy of this year’s labor burden results
- If you need to make adjustments, here’s how to do it
- If you’re a cash-basis taxpayer:
- Are QuickBooks cash-basis reports the right way to go?
- Converting non-A/R and non-A/P balances to cash basis
- Converting Accounts Receivable to cash basis
(specific steps and examples) - Converting Accounts Payable to cash-basis
(specific steps and examples)
- Coordinating with your tax preparer:
- What you absolutely MUST do before you hand off your QuickBooks info
- Does your tax preparer prefer to only view reports from your QuickBooks file?
√ Here is a list of reports you’ll want to provide
√ Options for transmitting the reports - Does your tax preparer want to work directly in your file?
√ Here are 3 possible ways they can do this (+ insights to be aware of) - Has your tax preparer requested a backup of your QuickBooks file?
√ Pros and cons for this approach
- After the taxes are done – what you’ll ask your tax preparer to provide to you:
- Why you want to keep your books synchronized
- Why this approach makes everything better
- Specific information and documents to request
- Beginning your year:
- Equity entries you should make
- Reversing entries that should be posted
- Making tax payments
- Memorized transactions in the new year
- Other clean ups to consider
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