Looking to move to a QuickBooks job cost system? Let our tutorial help you coordinate and manage QuickBooks to get the job cost reports you need.

So you’ve been thinking that you REALLY need better day-to-day financial information and QuickBooks job cost reports to make better business decisions – BUT you’re pretty sure your accounting system is just not up to speed. Now what? In this workshop, Diane Gilson will help you explore the top-down coordination and coaching aspects of a QuickBooks or Enterprise accounting system implementation (or upgrade).
Diane provides an outline to help you ask the right questions – so that you can envision and coordinate an alternative future. She’ll also provide coaching tips on topics such as:
- Who else can provide valuable preliminary feedback
- Timing and resource considerations
- Organizing and prioritizing changes to internal systems and procedures
- Setting expectations and establishing accountability
If you want to implement a QuickBooks job cost system, this workshop will act as a great tool to help stimulate your brainstorming and planning processes.
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Covering topics like:
Job-Costing, Construction Accounting, and Profit-Building
Preview of QuickBooks Job Cost Reports
Preview this workshop to see what you can learn about job cost reports in this 30-minute video.
To view in full-screen mode: After the video starts, click the ‘box’ icon
at the bottom right-hand corner of the video (to the right of the speaker icon).
Video Transcript at Bottom of Page
How to Get the QuickBooks Job Cost Reports You Want (1005/Level 3)
Approximately 30 minutes:
Highlights from How to Get the QuickBooks Job Cost Reports You Want
- Identifying “what’s wrong” (includes reference to ‘Analyze Your QuickBooks File in 35 Checkpoints’ workshop)
- Other problems with management information
- Primary techniques for workflow improvement
- Are your internal resources up to making a change?
- Resources for opinions and ideas
- Setting priorities
- 15 Project-management considerations
- What you can expect as your ‘home improvement’ project progresses
- Acknowledgments and celebrations
How to Get the QuickBooks Job Cost Reports You Want (1005/Level 3)
Diane Gilson: Good Day. This is Diane Gilson with Info Plus, and I’d like to welcome you to today’s session, ‘Accounting System Not Up to Speed?’
Well, if so, we’re going to give you some ideas for planning and coaching your pit crew to victory.
Today, what we’re going to be covering is dealing with a situation where you feel like your accounting system isn’t necessarily up to speed. It’s not where you want it to be. So:
- Identifying needs and wants is very important in that process. We’ll talk a bit about that and about
- Where you should go for some information-gathering and get feedback, as well as
- The prioritization process - and then
- A few little things called timing, accountability, project management, and expectations - managing all of those pieces of a system upgrade.
OK, if your accounting system isn’t up to speed if it’s not set up to give you some of those kinds of reports that we’ve [previously] looked at - and we’ll have another session on a deep dive into those reports - but I think most of you are used to looking at a profit and loss statement, so I didn’t spend any time with that. But, let’s say that you’re not getting the kinds of reports that you want, so the first thing is to define what’s wrong.
Now, we spent a full hour going through what we call a 35-point check-up. This is what we do with new clients to take a look at what’s going on in the file. And we included 'how-to’s' for you or your people - to actually go in and look at things like a high-level structural check on what’s going on.
- Are your lists set up properly so that you can get the kinds of reports that you want?
- We looked 'under the hood' to see if the file preferences were set up right. There are a lot of background settings that need to be established in a particular way to get QuickBooks to do what you need to have it do.
- In that process, we looked at the status of reconciliations,
- We checked to see whether job costing is being used properly and being balanced.
- Are estimates being used?
- Are budgets being used? These really great tools in the system - are you using them? - and
- We took a general look at the reasonableness and completeness of the financial results.
So, it’s not an in-depth audit, but it’s certainly enough to get a good feel for what we’re looking at.
The next thing, if your accounting system is not up to speed, and assuming you want to do something about it, how do you get your whole crew working together to get things fixed? So, in addition to that 35-point check-up (because that’s just really a look at the company file and the information), we want to ask questions. For instance,
- What’s missing that you want?
- What can be eliminated or simplified?
- Is there too much detail showing up that makes it confusing or difficult to extract the information you want?
- Who’s getting what information, and is it useful to them? There’s no point in spending time delivering reports to people who aren’t going to read them or use them, so we want to find out what it is that people need and try to get it to them.
So, [there are] other things you want to look at. We’ve got a whole checklist here and of course, you’re going to get these hand-outs so you’ll be able to see these things. Questions you might want to ask are things like:
- Where is it taking a lot of extra manual work to get the information that we need? Can that be streamlined in some way? Maybe through the use of technology or through reworking how information flows through the system. .....
- What’s the state of the technology that you have? Is it time for newer, better, or more efficient ways to gather or process information? It’s not unusual - as I work with clients - that I see that they’re working in some very antiquated systems where things don’t work the way they’re supposed to, and people stand around trying to fix things for huge amounts of time. Maybe they’re waiting for numbers to crunch, or maybe the QuickBooks file is too large, and they need to move up into Enterprise. So they’re spending an extra 2-3 minutes here, 2-3 minutes there, next thing you know it kind of adds up to maybe an hour a day, and if you sit down and compute what that fully burdened cost is, that’s a huge outlay. And it doesn't take too long if you've got that type of thing going on in the background to cost-justify - not just to make yourself feel better about it but to actually look and say, "OK - if it's costing me $3,000 a year to have Susan deal with a bad scanner, am I further ahead buying a $600 scanner that works almost instantly?" So it's that constant cost-benefit juggling act that you need to look at. .....
Just as an example, a little story on the side is that, as a member of the Intuit Solution Providers team, we get regular webinars, and they had an expert come in who had actually proven - they did measurements and so on - that by giving their workers two computer screens they were picking up between an extra 7-10% of productivity...