Home » What’s included in VIP CAMP? JCS Video #4 Excerpt

What’s included in VIP CAMP? JCS Video #4 Excerpt

This video (and the info shown below) shows EXACTLY what you’ll receive with CAMP VIP.

“VIP” is one of our newest (and VERY popular) packages.
It’s option #3 of the three available options within the CAMP series.

To see the full video that illustrates ALL THREE of the CAMP options (plus the MANY ways you can unlock the power of QuickBooks to make a HUGE difference in your company profitability and operations) click below… 

Learn more about the Construction Accounting & Management Program (CAMP).


In addition to the variety of upgrades recently added to CAMP Essentials and CAMP Comprehensive (both are included in the VIP program), you’ll now get to experience these additional upgrades to the VIP program:

  1. As a VIP member, you can now schedule your own 1-to-1 appointments with Diane (via our newly configured scheduling tool).
  2. All VIP webinar recordings include full, edited transcripts (vs. just ‘keywords.’)
  3. As of now we’ve conducted twenty-five VIP ‘specialty’ webinars – and all 25 recordings have been added to the Recordings Vault.

We’d ALSO like to share (just a few!) of the comments offered by participants in our VIP CAMP-er monthly meetings…


  • I’m thankful I don’t have to keep worrying about our profitability without knowing how to move forward to make the next step to improve it… The Profit Booster Analyzer [bonus] is exactly what we need.
  • Budgeting in QuickBooks – it’s a lot easier than the way we do it now
  • … reminding me that I need to get back to my Roadmap [included in VIP]
  • I just realized that Month-End [review] is so important! If you have that all done and cleaned up, it makes it easier to do budgets. That way, I don’t have to go back in December and start looking at everything to clean up for all the prior months that have been hanging out there.

  • Memorized transactions – I found through the problems I had – are going to make it much more helpful going forward or much easier going forward.

  • About interim reconciliations, I think that’s going to be really helpful too… I don’t want to do this [correcting reconciliation errors] again…

  • I’m going to work on drilling into my Profit & Loss for this current year and see if we have problems that I need to clean up before I start working on a budget for next year.

  • My takeaways are the Uncleared Transactions report. I didn’t know you could do that.

  • I want to do the prepaid insurance accounting properly, so I plan on looking at your previous webinar to really do that properly.

  • Make sure things are set up right – like with the Item list – and having [the Items] double-sided if there’s any chance that they might be used somehow.

Changes you’ll make as a result of your VIP meetings…

  • Hearing that setting up QuickBooks correctly will cut down on manual-entry workarounds… I am looking forward to making that a reality for our company.
  • [I will be] setting up an entirely new Company file.
  • I would like to change our Profit & Loss headers and categories to more mirror our actual items like the example used today. I think it would help others in our company understand exactly what and why things are placed ‘above the line.’

  • I am tired of waiting until the end of the year to put all this together and end up backtracking issues. I look forward to doing Month End Closings so I can turn everything over at the completion of December’s month-end closing. My CPA will be shocked. 🙂

  • I’m going to work on that Profit-Booster. I had played with that some before, but I think I need to prioritize that and bring some other people from our company in to have a little meeting and see the power of some small changes.

  • The goal is to enter our budget in QuickBooks. Hoping to be able to print reports we want to see at month-end rather than exporting to Excel. [Our] current process is clunky.

  • Change how we handle vendor prepayments for pre-paid insurance, and vendor pre-payments we sometimes make for granite, windows, cabinets.

  • Provide monthly reports broken down by month so that management can see the trends.

What you’d tell others about the value of the meetings?

  • “You don’t know what you don’t know”, and these meetings help point out what we don’t know so that our jobs are made easier.
  • If you have your QuickBooks up, you can apply that [tip] right now. When you see it – like the tip you gave on the Customer Job. That was very, very helpful. I think it’s very helpful to have live meetings.

  • Live meetings – it makes you think more, rather than just self-directed. And you hear things from other people too. That makes you think of things that you could do.

  • … I think I’ve said before, even if you pick up just one tip from these meetings, this meeting is definitely worth the time to do it.

  • It’s very helpful to hear the things explained and to add a perspective that’s different than the [CAMP] class.
  • Encouraging other people to do the live meetings gives accountability. It makes me accountable to think about these things during the week instead of just going on about my usual. It’s always in the back of my mind – I need to work on this, or I need to allow so much time – a couple of minutes to go work 10 to 15 minutes or 30 minutes during the week. Because you get wrapped up in everything you’re doing, and you just don’t ever get to it. It’s helped me to focus.