This workshop has been thoughtfully prepared and recorded – and you can access it immediately. Upon purchase, you’ll receive immediate access to both the online recording and handouts.
Cleaning Your Customer:Job List
+ Advanced Data Creation & Extraction
+ Tracking What You Do Best…
Approximately 73 minutes:
- Common problems with the Customer:Job List and what to do about them
- Naming confusion – and why it occurs
- Disorder in the list = unfriendly reports
- Financial errors
- Which jobs go with which company?
- Who should be overseeing the Customer:Job list?
- Customers vs. Jobs – when to use each
- “Special” customers & “special” jobs
- Easily create critical analytical info with Customer Types & Job Types
- The power of custom fields
… OR …
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Covering topics like:
Job-Costing, Construction Accounting, and Profit-Building