If you have decided to enhance or upgrade your existing accounting systems, Diane Gilson shares the following:
“A QuickBooks Chart of Accounts re-organization creates one of the ‘biggest bang-for-the-buck’ results you can achieve. For better management information, ‘start with the Chart’.”
Why? Because the Chart of Accounts establishes the exact layout of your company’s most important financial reports and heavily influences the quality of information, you’ll obtain from your management accounting system.
But, unless you’re an experienced accountant, tackling the ‘remodeling’ of your QuickBooks Chart of accounts on your own can be a daunting (if not downright overwhelming!) project.
But you can do it because, in this workshop, Diane coaches you – from start to finish – through each step of re-working your QuickBooks Chart of Accounts.
She also discusses the results you should expect to see in various types of accounts and approaches to follow if you find historical problems with account balances. With this expert guidance and her proven step-by-step process, you can convert this project into a very manageable assignment.
What You Need to Know About Reworking
Your Accounting System & Fixing Historical Problems
Approximately 84 minutes:
- Preliminary, preparatory steps
- The Chart of Accounts re-work – part I:
- Life-to-date reports
- Understanding titles and checking content
- Correcting account types
- Editing accounts
- Merging accounts
- Inactivating accounts
- Creating order
- Establishing “header” accounts
- Missing accounts?
- Ordering accounts
- Reviewing the Balance Sheet and Profit & Loss report results
- Chart of Accounts re-work – part II
- Numbering accounts
- Changing account numbers
- Correcting problem account balances (+ precautions!)
- Exhibit: Sample Chart of Accounts
- Handouts include a comprehensive sample Chart of Accounts designed for the construction industry (can also be used for other job-cost-related industries).
- Diane recommends that you first attend the following “core concepts” workshops:
… OR …
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