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QuickBooks Account Reconciliations & Discrepancies

Feeling Great when you Resolve QuickBooks Account Reconciliation Discrepancies

Company owners sometimes ask me:  “Should balance adjustments arising from account reconciliation problems cause me any concern?”  Do QuickBooks Account Reconciliation Discrepancies Matter? Account reconciliation is crucial; here’s why… You want to be certain that you and your bank, credit card companies, and lenders agree on the amounts shown in your books. (If not, you …

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12 Benefits of Running a More Profitable Company

Want your company to be more profitable? Almost all business owners are constantly working to make their company more profitable. And that’s a good thing, right? It probably is, as long as you achieve it morally and ethically. But is it worth it? Here Are 12 Benefits of Running a More Profitable Company These benefits …

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Top 7 Reasons Business Owners Call a QuickBooks ProAdvisor

ProAdvisor Advice Signpost

Why You Need A QuickBooks ProAdvisor Based on 20+ years of being a QuickBooks ProAdvisor, here are the top 7 reasons businesses contact me for assistance. See if any of these scenarios sound like what you may be facing in your company… As a business owner, you learn through trial and error what makes your …

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How to Set (& Keep!) Your Hierarchical View in QuickBooks Lists

Hierarchical View in QuickBooks Do you have QuickBooks lists structured to show in a Hierarchical View? (Think “outline” with headers and sub-elements.) For instance: In your Customer:Job list, do you have a “header” as a Customer, and sub-elements as Jobs? (If not, you may want to do so…) Open your Item List. Do you have …

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11 Ways to Take the Pain & Suffering Out of Tax Time

How To Solve the Tax Time Nightmare If you’re someone who dreads January, February, March – and beyond – because those months seem to turn into “Franken-tax” time, you may be asking yourself: “How do other companies do it? What would it be like if I was ALL DONE with tax-related chores by the middle …

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Types of Accountants

Types of Accountants

This article by Dan Rooks describes the various kinds of accountants and their roles.  Info Plus President, Diane Gilson, contributed some thoughts and background information. Dan is co-founder and CEO of Decisive Systems, Inc., a software company that measures the operating cost of heavy equipment. Besides creating “Tools to make smart machine owners smarter”, DSI also …

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9 Ways to Take the Pain & Suffering Out of Tax Time

It’s That Time of Year Again – TAX TIME! And guess what? I’ve been working with clients who have been turning their numbers over to their tax accountants starting the middle of January! Do you dread January, February, March – and beyond – because those months seem to turn into “Franken-tax” time? Are you asking …

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