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Tag: customizing quickbooks

Custom Fields in QuickBooks

Custom Fields to Customize QuickBooks Desktop

5 Ways to Tailor, Tag, & Track Specialized Information QuickBooks Custom Fields Have you explored the many ways to use Custom Fields in QuickBooks?  If not, you’ll likely be surprised at how this feature can vastly expand the “trackability” of specific data that’s unique (and, often, vitally important) to your company. Would it be helpful …

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QuickBooks Account Reconciliations & Discrepancies

Feeling Great when you Resolve QuickBooks Account Reconciliation Discrepancies

Company owners sometimes ask me:  “Should balance adjustments arising from account reconciliation problems cause me any concern?”  Do QuickBooks Account Reconciliation Discrepancies Matter? Account reconciliation is crucial; here’s why… You want to be certain that you and your bank, credit card companies, and lenders agree on the amounts shown in your books. (If not, you …

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QuickBooks for Contractors – Using Items for Job Costing

This post about QuickBooks’ Items is excerpted from our more extensive training video that’s included in our Construction Accounting & Management Program (CAMP). QuickBooks Items: Automating Job Costing for Construction Companies QuickBooks Items enable construction companies to automatically track and report on the financial detail underlying what’s REALLY going on within the financial side of …

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How to Set (& Keep!) Your Hierarchical View in QuickBooks Lists

Hierarchical View in QuickBooks Do you have QuickBooks lists structured to show in a Hierarchical View? (Think “outline” with headers and sub-elements.) For instance: In your Customer:Job list, do you have a “header” as a Customer, and sub-elements as Jobs? (If not, you may want to do so…) Open your Item List. Do you have …

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The Worst Training You Can Buy (And Waste Your Time On)

You Found the Perfect Seminar… It’s the training resource you’ve been looking for to make the changes you want in your company. The main problem – your QuickBooks company file was set up wrong from day one. You’ve been making do, but haven’t been getting the job-costing information you need. Now you’ve found the solution …

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11 Ways to Take the Pain & Suffering Out of Tax Time

How To Solve the Tax Time Nightmare If you’re someone who dreads January, February, March – and beyond – because those months seem to turn into “Franken-tax” time, you may be asking yourself: “How do other companies do it? What would it be like if I was ALL DONE with tax-related chores by the middle …

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Labor Profit Tip #3: Your Gross Profit Numbers May Be Misleading

Labor Burden Information Tip #3: To See Accurate Job-Cost Reports, Assign Labor Burden Costs to Each Job. If you’re looking for ways to make your company more profitable, getting a handle on your fully burdened labor costs is a critical place to start because it can show you how to: Estimate labor costs more accurately, Price jobs to …

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Types of Accountants

Types of Accountants

This article by Dan Rooks describes the various kinds of accountants and their roles.  Info Plus President, Diane Gilson, contributed some thoughts and background information. Dan is co-founder and CEO of Decisive Systems, Inc., a software company that measures the operating cost of heavy equipment. Besides creating “Tools to make smart machine owners smarter”, DSI also …

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9 Ways to Take the Pain & Suffering Out of Tax Time

It’s That Time of Year Again – TAX TIME! And guess what? I’ve been working with clients who have been turning their numbers over to their tax accountants starting the middle of January! Do you dread January, February, March – and beyond – because those months seem to turn into “Franken-tax” time? Are you asking …

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A Tale of 4 Companies: A Job Cost & Gross Profit Drama (Part I)

Can you really affect your gross profit by setting up a job costing system? Is it worth the time, energy, and effort involved to measure and track your numbers? Let’s visit with the owners of four (hypothetical) companies; then decide for yourself which owner’s shoes you’d prefer to step into… As background to the story …

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