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Category: Efficient & Accurate QuickBooks Entries

Broken Database Links In Your QuickBooks Data File – Part 3

Fixing Data Damage in QuickBooks Company Files to Prevent QuickBooks Crashing How to Locate and correct damaged data and transactions in your QuickBooks data file. From time to time, QuickBooks data files become damaged or corrupted, which could cause QuickBooks to crash when opening or working in the company file. We know from experience how …

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Broken Database Links In Your QuickBooks Data File – Part 2

How to verify your QuickBooks data file and rebuild your QuickBooks data file

The QuickBooks Data File Verification Feature Re-sorting Your QuickBooks List The first step in repairing QuickBooks data links in your QuickBooks Desktop or Enterprise files is to re-sort your QuickBooks list. Learn how here. Once you have re-sorted your QuickBooks list, if you are still suffering from broken database links in your QuickBooks data file, you’ll …

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QuickBooks Account Reconciliations & Discrepancies

Feeling Great when you Resolve QuickBooks Account Reconciliation Discrepancies

Company owners sometimes ask me:  “Should balance adjustments arising from account reconciliation problems cause me any concern?”  Do QuickBooks Account Reconciliation Discrepancies Matter? Account reconciliation is crucial; here’s why… You want to be certain that you and your bank, credit card companies, and lenders agree on the amounts shown in your books. (If not, you …

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12 Benefits of Running a More Profitable Company

Want your company to be more profitable? Almost all business owners are constantly working to make their company more profitable. And that’s a good thing, right? It probably is, as long as you achieve it morally and ethically. But is it worth it? Here Are 12 Benefits of Running a More Profitable Company These benefits …

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Wrong Date On A QuickBooks Transaction?

Wrong Date on Quickbooks Transaction

How to change a date on a QuickBooks transaction Changing a date on a QuickBooks transaction is an easy task. Simply click the date field in the transaction, then choose the correct date from the calendar that pops up. But wait, before you change the date on a transaction, you need to consider a much …

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QuickBooks for Contractors – Using Items for Job Costing

This post about QuickBooks’ Items is excerpted from our more extensive training video that’s included in our Construction Accounting & Management Program (CAMP). QuickBooks Items: Automating Job Costing for Construction Companies QuickBooks Items enable construction companies to automatically track and report on the financial detail underlying what’s REALLY going on within the financial side of …

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How to Use QuickBooks Job Costing Features to Achieve Your Gross Profit Goals

Job Costing In QuickBooks QuickBooks is designed to help you plan, measure, and monitor company and job results. You can even use QuickBooks Job Costing Features to Achieve Your Gross Profit Goals! Use its management reporting tools to immediately SEE operating and financial results. Proactively correct problems – before they spin out of control – …

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Paying QuickBooks Bills with a Credit Card or Vendor Credits

Use Credit Card to Pay Bills in QuickBooks

Paying your QuickBooks Bills can be easier (even pain-free!) – when you use your software to its fullest capacity. QuickBooks Pay Bills with a Credit Card Company owners and bookkeepers often use credit cards to pay QuickBooks bills. Those who appreciate the convenience of purchasing items or paying bills using credit cards often ask how …

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How to Use QuickBooks More Effectively: 10 Tips

How to use QuickBooks Most Effectively

How to use QuickBooks most effectively can be a challenge. But, to help you, here are a series of QuickBooks “how-to” tips from BuildYourNumbers.com! How To Use QuickBooks Do you use QuickBooks to manage your accounting? For years, mid-sized and small-business owners have found QuickBooks Desktop, QuickBooks Online, and Enterprise Solutions to be the most …

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Using AI to Reduce Manual Data Entry Costs and Errors

MakersHub - Reduce time spent on accounts payable by 90%

Using MakersHub AI to Reduce Accounting Costs Diane and MakersHub founders Charley Howe and Phong Ngo demonstrate how you can reduce the time your company spends on accounts payable – by 90%! This live demo with Diane, Charley and Phong reveals how you and your company can wave goodbye to detailed manual entry for Bills, Approvals, …

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The Worst Training You Can Buy (And Waste Your Time On)

You Found the Perfect Seminar… It’s the training resource you’ve been looking for to make the changes you want in your company. The main problem – your QuickBooks company file was set up wrong from day one. You’ve been making do, but haven’t been getting the job-costing information you need. Now you’ve found the solution …

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Using AI to Reduce Manual Data Entry Costs and Errors – Transcript

MakersHub - Reduce time spent on accounts payable by 90%

In this interview, you will learn about an AI tool that will help companies reduce accounting costs and errors by automating the process of entering bills, approving invoices and making payments. Why this matters to you: In most companies, a large percentage of accounting efforts goes into the tedious and error-prone process of manually entering …

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Top 5 Tips for QuickBooks Experts Know (and You Should Too)

New to QuickBooks? Feel like you’re all alone? Well, you’re not! Every new user could use tips to get them started in QuickBooks… You’ve started your new business from scratch and know you need to really get a handle on your numbers. Maybe you’ve been recruited by a family member – or hired by a business owner …

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7 Reasons To Love QuickBooks Desktop Assisted Payroll

Fast easy payroll with QuickBooks Desktop Assisted Payroll-

QuickBooks Desktop Assisted Payroll is our payroll service of choice at Info Plus Accounting. Because we ‘eat our own (QuickBooks) dogfood,’ we know the quality of this product. And we nearly always recommend Assisted Payroll to our clients. Why do we typically recommend this product to our clients? Here are my top seven reasons: 1. …

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Troubleshooting QuickBooks Issues

Troubleshooting QuickBooks

QuickBooks & Enterprise Solutions are, generally speaking, stable, logical, and powerful programs.

When something isn't working properly, however, it's very easy to lose perspective and get upset or angry with the software.

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An Integrated Accounting System – How Your Business Will Benefit

As a small or mid-sized business you only need one cost-effective, integrated accounting system to effectively manage your financial operations… Have you made the jump to manage your own accounting? If so, have you found yourself lost in a sea of financial software? In fact, you really don’t need those five or six manual systems …

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The Many Faces of Construction Job Costing

happy with job costing system

Income minus expenses equals gross profit. Your gross profit is the amount you use to run your company and create profits. Job-costing is how you can track the income and the costs you incur to perform each of your jobs. It’s how you get to see the gross profit you earn on each of your projects. Your perception of what you want to see from a job-costing system may be very different than another business owner’s concepts. Why? Because there is no single prescription that fits everyone’s needs.

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Broken Database Links In Your QuickBooks Data File – Part 1

Broken database links in QuickBooks desktop cause problems

Broken database links can cause problems with your QuickBooks data file(s)… QuickBooks® Pro, Premier, and Enterprise Solutions desktop software programs are databases that could (potentially) include broken database links. What and Why? The underlying software (database) for your company file includes your records and transaction fields that are “tied together” with various pointers and links. …

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It Just Doesn’t Make Sense!

“Why aren’t we making more money? We’re busier than ever, I’m working harder than ever, but things just aren’t coming together like they should!” If this story sounds or feels familiar, you may want to sit in on this meeting to pick up some ideas on how to create Estimate vs. Actual Reports… It Just …

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Why Nick Might NOT Get His Business Loan…

Ever wondered if you could receive more useful and meaningful reports from QuickBooks? Good financial information is not just a matter of convenience! Nick is finding out that what he DOESN’T know about his financial system could pose a major setback to his business… Nick’s “Unique” Profit & Loss Statement “Wow, this is about the longest …

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A Tale of 4 Companies: A Job Cost & Gross Profit Drama (Part I)

Can you really affect your gross profit by setting up a job costing system? Is it worth the time, energy, and effort involved to measure and track your numbers? Let’s visit with the owners of four (hypothetical) companies; then decide for yourself which owner’s shoes you’d prefer to step into… As background to the story …

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QuickBooks Memorized Transactions + Pizza – Can They Really Improve Your Memory?

How do QuickBooks’ Memorized Transactions relate to pizza? Join Sheila as she experiences an eye-opening and rewarding “Pizza-Lunch-n-Learn” with her friend, Gail…  Overwhelmed With Bills and Emails and P.O.s and Invoicing… Sheila sat at her desk, staring at the stack of emails, Purchase Orders, and Bills she’d need to sort through and enter before she could …

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QuickBooks Online User Permissions and Choices

QuickBooks Online User Permissions When it’s time to set your QuickBooks Online User Permissions, here are the choices you’ll see in the Plus version. QuickBooks Online User Permissions enable you to choose what users can see (access) and do (permissions) within the program. Company Administrator Permissions In QuickBooks Online Company Administrators have all access rights …

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